We support the development of modern medicine and pharmacy for over 23 years

We believe that the way we act for the benefit of the society in which we function also contributes to our success. We conduct our activity taking into account not only economic factors but also social ones.

Financial and organisational support to hospitals and other healthcare facilities

Promotion of new directions of medicine development and support of highly specialised medical treatment

Sponsorship and organisation of medical training, scientific conferences and symposiums

Popularisation of knowledge of modern medicine, financing medical publications, research and scientific works
When exercising its basic tasks, the Foundation systematically gives financial and organisational support to hospitals, healthcare facilities, foundations, associations, nursing homes and other healthcare institutions throughout the country. We are periodically organising conferences and smaller events which promote healthy lifestyle and decrease risk of disease.
Our contribution to the develepment of science
The MDC Foundation organises and coordinates educational programmes devoted to particular therapeutic problems as well as research and observation programmes devoted to particular disease entities or active substances.
Research and observation programmes. Programmes where a doctor, as a Researcher, based on observation describes or analyses a particular event consisting not in discovery or confirmation of effectiveness of a certain medicinal product, but only in obtaining results of perception of a given medicinal product by the patient.
We put a particular emphasis on education and awareness raising of health professionals. The Foundation supports doctors and medical staff in execution of the basic obligation – professional training through constant knowledge expanding within specialisation – by financing active participation in Polish and international conferences, trainings and symposiums.
The goal of educational programmes for patients is promotion of knowledge within the origin, prevention and treatment of diseases. They are a valuable addition to standard educational tasks carried out by medical doctors. Sponsoring educational actions addressed to patients leads to a change of behaviour and increases the therapy role and disease awareness in patients. A long-term and desirable goal of educational programmes for patients is improvement of health condition of the society through prevention and promotion of the idea of healthy lifestyle.
The Medicine Development Centre Foundation conducts activities within contract clinical research coordination. Our mission is to provide high quality services within administration of clinical research according to binding provisions of law. We deliver services tailored individually to the requirements of our Partners. We cooperate with experts with years of experience in such fields of medicine as: cardiology, urology, allergology, dermatology and others.
Medical statistics show alarming information that Poles most often die of heart attacks or strokes developed, inter alia, by hypertension. Unfortunately, despite implementation of another prevention programmes, a Pole’s life is much shorter than of an average European. This is caused, among other things, by our lifestyle and bad eating habits. Demographic data clearly shows that today’s population is aging and within the next forthcoming decades the number of older people will significantly grow. As the Foundation operating over 15 years on the market, we are aware of our duties towards the society and in our opinion the above data obligates us to treat the subject of health in the context broader than just a pharmaceutical one. Now is the time to focus our efforts, out of concern for the health, on the development of health conscious attitudes, creation of the healthier and more hygienic lifestyle in the least polluted natural environment and promotion of expert knowledge which enables conscious choice of healthy food. Together with HelpFood Pomocna Żywność and its VitaMenu Programme we actively participate in promotion of responsibility for one’s own health which is one of the necessary elements to maintain activity and well-being at each stage of life until the old age.
We are supporting
- Szpital Kliniczny Dzieciątka Jezus w Warszawie
- Samodzielny Publiczny Centralny Szpital Kliniczny w Warszawie
- Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
- Wojewódzki Szpital Zespolony w Płocku
- Centralny Szpital Kliniczny MSWiA w Warszawie
- Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital Wojewódzki w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim
- Szpital Powiatowy im. Jana Mikulicza w Biskupcu
- Zakład Opieki MSWiA w Łodzi
- Samodzielny Publiczny Zespół Zakładów Opieki Zdrowotnej w Sandomierzu
- Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej w Lublińcu
- 108 Szpital Wojskowy z Przychodnią SP ZOZ w Ełku
- Filia Warszawska Sekcji Psychiatrii Dzieci i Młodzieży
- Kieleckie Stowarzyszenie Alzheimerowskie
- OW PTR Oddział Warszawski Polskiego Towarzystwa Reumatologicznego
- SP ZOZ Miejski Szpital Zespolony w Częstochowie
- Szpital dla nerwowo i psychicznie chorych im. St.Kryzana Starogard Gdański
- Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
- Wojewódzki Szpital dla nerwowo i psychicznie chorych DREWNICA w Ząbkach
- Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny w Czerwonej Górze
- Szpital neuropsychiatryczny im. Prof. M. Kaczyńskiego SP ZOZ w Lublinie
- Podlaski Ośrodek Kardiologii w Białymstoku
- Fundacja im. Brata Alberta Schronisko dla Niepełnosprawnych w Rudawie
- Fundacja Serce dla Dziecka w Służewie
- Dom Pomocy Społecznej dla Dorosłych Prowadzony przez Zgromadzenie Sióstr Albertynek w Częstochowie
- Dom Pomocy Społecznej Słoneczne Wzgórze w Ryjewie
- Fundacja Wiatrak w Bydgoszczy
- Dom Pomocy Społecznej w Górze Kalwarii
- Dom Pomocy Społecznej w Skęczniewie
- Dom Pomocy Społecznej w Choroszczy
- Zamojskie Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zdrowia Psychicznego
- Stowarzyszenie Nasz Dom w Legnickim Polu
- Stowarzyszenie Nasz Dom w Blachowni
- Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Osobom Niepełnosprawnym AUTYZM w Słupsku
- Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Domu Pomocy Społecznej im. św.Brata Alberta "ECCE HOMO" w Krakowie
- Szczecińskie Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Osobom Z chorobą Alzheimera I Innymi Rodzajami Otępień "Jaskółka"
- Stowarzyszenie Hospicjum Domowe w Warszawie Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej Dzielnicy Praga Północ w Warszawie